log.oscon is committed to providing high quality services to its customers. We recognise that occasionally problems or dissatisfaction may arise in relation to our services. This complaints management policy has been developed to ensure that all complaints are dealt with effectively, fairly and in a timely manner.
The aim of this policy is to establish a clear and transparent procedure for receiving, recording, investigating and resolving complaints from our customers. In addition, we endeavour to identify areas for improvement in our processes based on the complaints received.
log.oscon will designate an employee responsible for handling complaints, who will be responsible for ensuring that all customer complaints are duly recorded, investigated and resolved.
All log.oscon employees are responsible for forwarding customer complaints to the complaints handler and co-operating in resolving them.
Customer complaints can be submitted by telephone, e-mail, online form or any other available means. Employees must immediately forward complaints received to the person responsible for handling complaints.
All complaints will be recorded in a complaints management system, including details such as the date of receipt, the description of the complaint, the customer's name, and any other relevant information.
The complaints handler will investigate all complaints impartially and objectively. This may involve obtaining additional information from customers, consulting internal records and co-operating with other departments if necessary.
All complaints will be dealt with appropriately and fairly. log.oscon will take steps to resolve complaints as quickly as possible by communicating with the customer and explaining the actions taken to address the complaint.
log.oscon will keep the customer informed of the progress of the investigation and the resolution of the complaint. Communication will be carried out in a clear and respectful manner.
All complaints will be recorded in detail, including the actions taken to resolve them. Periodically, the company will analyse complaints data to identify trends and opportunities for improvement in its services.
All complaints and related information will be treated with strict confidentiality and will only be shared with the parties involved in resolving the complaint.
This complaints management policy will be reviewed periodically to ensure its effectiveness and suitability for log.oscon's processes. log.oscon is committed to ensuring that all our customers' complaints are dealt with fairly and effectively, contributing to the continuous improvement of our services. We encourage our customers to lodge complaints whenever they consider it necessary, so that we can better serve their needs.
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